Know When To Repair Your Business's Locks

Posted on: 3 April 2023


Commercial locks are a vital part of keeping any business safe and secure. But even the best locks can malfunction due to normal wear and tear or an attempted break-in.

Knowing when to repair commercial locks is key to ensuring your business remains safe. Take a look at some telltale signs that it's time for lock repair.

Damaged or Broken Lock Parts

If you spot physical damage to your lock, that's a clear indication that commercial lock repair is necessary. This could be a broken door handle, a bent latch, or a cracked deadbolt. A broken door handle could result from someone attempting to force the door open or an overly active spring. A bent latch could be due to normal wear and tear that comes with age.

Crack deadbolts are usually caused by someone trying to forcefully gain access to your business. They may also be caused by an old lock exposed to extreme weather conditions.

If you notice any damage to your lock parts, it's important to get them repaired as soon as possible so that they don't cause further damage or put your business at risk of burglary or theft. Some locks may even need to be replaced if there's too much extensive damage.

Faulty Key Cylinders

Another common sign of trouble with commercial locks is if the key cylinder no longer works properly. Key cylinders activate the locking mechanism for the door to open and close properly. This mechanism is essentially a pin tumbler system that lines up with the grooves on the key when inserted. If this system becomes faulty, you will have difficulty opening and closing the door.

If you have difficulty unlocking your door with its key cylinder, it could be time for a lock repair. Here, a commercial locksmith can adjust the pins in the cylinder to make sure the lock works properly. They may also replace the faulty part with a new one if necessary.

Difficulty Locking or Unlocking Doors

If you have difficulty locking and unlocking doors in your business premises, you need to schedule a commercial lock repair. Over time, dirt and debris can build up inside the locks, making it difficult for them to function properly and securely. The dirt blocks crucial components of the lock and can cause it to jam or stick.

In addition, wear and tear can cause moving parts within the lock mechanism to become loose or faulty over time, leading to difficulty opening and closing doors. When this happens, your business is at risk of burglars and intruders who can easily access the premises. For more information on commercial lock repair, contact a professional near you.